@inbook{104786, author = {Jared E. Toettcher}, title = {Cell Cycle Arrest After DNA Damage}, abstract = { Cell cycle arrest after DNA damage describes the interconnection between two complex signaling processes {\textendash} DNA damage sensing and the cell cycle {\textendash} by
a variety of biochemical interactions. Damage may arise from various sources, including radiation, chemical agents, or errors during DNA synthesis or cell division. The resulting damage is sensed by a signaling network that halts the cell cycle by modulating cyclin/Cdk activity. Cell cycle arrest can be transient to allow repair of DNA damage, or can persist indefinitely as a senescence-like state. This essay describes mechanisms of DNA damage-induced cell cycle arrest, their dynamics, and their effect on eventual cell fate. It also discusses mathematical modeling approaches used to gain insight into these processes. }, year = {2013}, journal = {Encyclopedia of Systems Biology}, pages = {249-254}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {New York, NY}, url = {https://scholar.google.com/scholar?oi=bibs\&cluster=6689785594075182125\&btnI=1\&hl=en}, language = {eng}, }